
God has blessed each of us with unique gifts.

In Romans 12, the apostle Paul reminds us, " Christ we who are many form one body, and each member belongs to all the others. We have different gifts, according to the grace given us..." Throughout Scripture, we're encouraged to use our talents and abilities to serve and honor God—which is exactly why our ministry teams exist. We hope every member of Glades Christian Church will discover how their unique gifts can contribute to our community of faith. God's plan for the church involves all of us serving in some capacity.

As the Apostle Peter wrote, "Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God's grace in its various forms." (1 Peter 4:10 NIV)


The Prayer Ministry Team is dedicated to constantly praying for the church, its leaders and congregation.

How we accomplish this task...

The Prayer Ministry Team prays, on a daily basis, for the church and all requests. Prayer requests are received and prayed over at every Sunday morning worship service. You can be a part of this powerful ministry by keeping the church and each other in your prayers daily. “Again, I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything you ask for, it will be done for you by my Father in heaven. For where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them.” (Matthew 18:19-20)


This ministry develops and maintains a procedure for meeting the physical needs of people—members and non-members alike—who are in an immediate dire situation. They assess the need and, if possible, try to determine the legitimacy of the need. This ministry operates under the principles of Matthew 25, “Inasmuch as you have done it unto the least of these.. .you have done it unto me.”  


This ministry is responsible for planning, administering and/or coordinating all education, training and discipling programs of Glades Christian Church. The purpose of this ministry is to help the members of Glades Christian Church to grow spiritually and mature in their faith. All curricula is Bible based and doctrinally sound, and approved by the elders or those persons whom the elders have appointed to oversee such matters. Ask us about our Glades 101 class!  


The Stewardship Ministry is charged with seeing that the congregation maintains a healthy stewardship life. It also keeps the congregation informed of the financial status of GCC—that is, the trends of offerings and expenditures. This ministry tracks and gives frequent reports to the church regarding balances of all funds and accounts. It also encourages the congregation in areas of stewardship and giving.


This ministry oversees the proper and necessary maintenance, care and repair of the physical property owned or used by Glades Christian Church in carrying out its ministries. This includes land, buildings, equipment, furnishings and vehicles.


This ministry concerns itself with the task of carrying out the Great Commission beyond our local community. Some of the functions include assessing needs of current missions and missionaries, planning ways for members of Glades Christian Church to be involved with missions, keeping the missionary outreach of the church constantly in front of the congregation and making recommendations to the church regarding missions we may wish to support. We also encourage participation and support of short-term mission trips. These provide invaluable experiences that can change lives.

We support:


This ministry oversees fellowship life of GCC. This includes activities that occur at the church property and those that take place off-premises. Any and all fellowship meals, gatherings and events fall under their care. All scheduling of such events are coordinated by this ministry. Menus and activities that have unusual needs and requirements are submitted to this ministry.